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Mapping Context

When using the map method, you can pass a context as the third argument. This context can be used to change the behavior of the mapping process.

$source = new User();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, ['key' => 'value']);


Groups allow you to define a subset of properties that should be mapped.

$source = new User();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, ['groups' => ['read']]);

In this case only properties that have been flagged with the read group will be mapped.


Groups are checked on both the source and target objects, both must have one of the groups from the context to be mapped.

Allowed attributes

Allowed attributes allow you to define a subset of properties that should be mapped. This is the same as groups but it does need to be defined on the source or target object.

$source = new User();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'allowed_attributes' => ['id']

In this case only the id property will be mapped.


The mapper will only check the allowed attributes from the property name of the source object and not the target object.

You can also provide a nested array to allow only specific attributes of nested objects.

$source = new User();
$source->address = new Address();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'allowed_attributes' => ['address' => ['city']]

In this case only the city property of the address object will be mapped.

Ignored attributes

Ignored attributes is the opposite of allowed attributes, it allows you to define a subset of properties that should not be mapped.

$source = new User();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'ignored_attributes' => ['id']

In this case all properties except the id property will be mapped.

Circular references

You may have circular references in your objects i.e. an object references itself. AutoMapper by default will keep track of the objects it has already mapped to avoid infinite loops and conserve circular references in the target object.

$source = new User();
$source->friend = $source;
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class);

assert($target->friend === $target); // true

Sometimes you may want to break the circular reference, you can do this by passing the circular_reference_limit option.

$source = new User();
$source->friend = $source;
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, ['circular_reference_limit' => 0]);

In this case a CircularReferenceException will be thrown.

You can also specify a callback to handle the circular reference.

$source = new User();
$source->friend = $source;
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'circular_reference_handler' => function ($source, $context) {
        return null;

In this case the friend property will be set to null.

Skip null values

In some case having a null value may precise that the value should not be mapped and the target should keep its value.

You can enable this behavior by passing the skip_null_values option.

$source = new User();
$source->name = null;
$target = new UserDTO();
$target->name = 'Jane';
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, $target, ['skip_null_values' => true]);

assert($target->name === 'Jane'); // true

Date Time format

When mapping a DateTimeInterface object to a string, AutoMapper will format the date, you can change the format by passing the date_time_format option.

$source = new User();
$source->createdAt = new DateTime('2021-01-01');
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, ['date_time_format' => 'Y-m-d']);

In this case the createdAt property will be mapped to the string 2021-01-01.

By default AutoMapper uses the DateTimeInterface::RFC3339 format.

Map to accessor parameter

When mapping from an object, AutoMapper will use the best available method or property to fetch the value of the property. Sometimes this method may have parameters, you can specify those parameters by passing the map_to_accessor_parameter option.

You will also have to link the parameter of the method to the context by using the MapToContext attribute.

class User {
    public function __construct(private string $name) {}

    public function getName(#[MapToContext('suffix')] string $suffix): string {
        return $this->name . $suffix;

$source = new User(name: 'Jane');
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'map_to_accessor_parameter' => ['suffix' => ' Doe']

Constructor arguments

When mapping to an object, AutoMapper will try to use the constructor to instantiate the object. Sometimes some parameters may not be available in the source object, you can specify those parameters by passing the constructor_arguments option.

class UserDto {
    public function __construct(private string $name, private \DateTime $createdAt) {}

$source = new User();
$source->name = 'Jane';

$target = $autoMapper->map($source, UserDTO::class, [
    'constructor_arguments' => [
        UserDTO::class => ['createdAt' => new \DateTime('2021-01-01')]