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DateTime format

There is multiple ways to tell the AutoMapper which DateTime format to use. All theses have their own advantages and act differently. Here is a hierarchy of each way to set this format:

  • AutoMapper context;
  • Property attribute;
  • Mapper attribute;
  • Symfony Bundle configuration.

Considering this order, if you set a format in a Mapper attribute and in a property attribute, we will use the property attribute format because it is a higher priority.

AutoMapper context

To force a DateTime format everywhere you can use the AutoMapper context with the MapperContext::DATETIME_FORMAT:

use AutoMapper\MapperContext;

$source = new Source();
$target = $autoMapper->map($source, 'array', [MapperContext::DATETIME_FORMAT => \DateTimeInterface::ATOM]);


Be aware that by using AutoMapper context, any #[MapTo], #[MapFrom], #[Mapper] attribute or bundle configuration will be ignored.

Property attribute

To set a DateTime format onto a #[MapTo] attribute (this will be the same for #[MapFrom] attribute), you'll have to do as following:

class Source
    #[MapTo(dateTimeFormat: \DateTimeInterface::ATOM)]
    public \DateTimeImmutable $dateTime;


If you have a #[Mapper] attribute onto the same class with a DateTime format set or a Bundle configuration set, it will be ignored and the property attribute configuration will be used.

Mapper attribute

To set a DateTime format onto a #[Mapper] attribute, you'll have to do as following:

#[Mapper(dateTimeFormat: \DateTimeInterface::ATOM)]
class Source
    public \DateTimeImmutable $dateTime;


If you have a bundle configuration it will be ignored and the mapper attribute will be used.

Symfony Bundle configuration

  date_time_format: !php/const:DateTimeInterface::ATOM


If you use an attribute DateTime format or the AutoMapper context, this configuration will be ignored.