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Migrate an existing application

If you have an existing application with custom normalizers, you may not want to rewrite everything at the same time.

This library provide a way to migrate your existing normalizers with our convention step by step without breaking your application.

This can be done by using the only_registered_mapping option in the normalizer configuration.

# config/packages/automapper.yaml
        enabled: true
        only_registered_mapping: true

Once this option is enabled, only the normalizers that are registered in the mappings configuration will be used. Others will be ignored and use existing normalizers.

This way, you can migrate your application step by step.

Selecting a normalizer to migrate

You can first select a class that don't have custom normalizer logic to migrate. This way you can ensure than the default behavior of the library is working the same as the symfony/serializer component.

You need to register this class in the mappings configuration.

# config/packages/automapper.yaml
        enabled: true
        only_registered_mapping: true
            - { source: App\Entity\MyEntity, target: 'array' }

If you want to migrate the denormalizer, you can use the reverse option to register the reverse mapping.

# config/packages/automapper.yaml
        enabled: true
        only_registered_mapping: true
            - { source: App\Entity\MyEntity, target: 'array', reverse: true }


If this entity have sub objects, they will also use our library we you normalize from the App\Entity\MyEntity class. If you normalize only the sub object it will still use the existing normalizer.

Serializer attributes

If you have serializer attributes on your entity, you can also enabled the serializer_attributes option to use them.

# config/packages/automapper.yaml
        enabled: true
        only_registered_mapping: true
    serializer: true
            - { source: App\Entity\MyEntity, target: 'array' }

Migrating a custom normalizer

If you have a custom normalizer with some logic inside you will have to convert this logic with our library way of doing things.

For example, if you have a custom normalizer that add a virtualProperty the normalized array, you can use a tansformer to do the same thing.

#[MapTo('array', property: 'virtualProperty', transformer: MyTransformer::class)]
class App\Entity\MyEntity
    // ...

See the transformer documentation for more information on how to achieve that.

Most custom normalizer only need transformers or #[MapTo] / #[MapFrom] to be converted.

If you have custom logic that may not be converted using our library, please open an issue on the github repository with your use case so we can help you convert it.