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In addition to use the Symfony Serializer #[Groups] attribute, you can also use the #[MapTo] and #[MapFrom] attributes to define groups of properties that should be mapped.

class Source
    #[MapTo(target: 'array', groups: ['group1', 'group2'])]
    public $groupedProperty;

When doing so the property will be mapped only if the context contains at least one group defined in the groups argument.

Cumulative groups

When using both groups from the Symfony Serializer #[Groups] attribute and the groups argument from the #[MapTo] or #[MapFrom] attributes, the latter groups will override the former groups.

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Attribute\Groups;

class Source
    #[Groups(['group1', 'group2'])]
    #[MapTo(target: 'array', groups: ['group3'])]
    public $groupedProperty;

In this case the property will be mapped only if the context contains the group3 group.